Mufaddal Safety Enterprises is leading supplier of wide range of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE), Industrial Safety Equipments,Fire Fighting Equipments, Industrial Tools & Hardware products Vision To protect People, Assets and Environment. Aim to earn position of most preferred and reliable One-Stop supplier of Occupational, Health and Environmental Safety products. Aim to provide our valued customers and business associates with quality Industrial Tools & Equipments at best price after carefully understanding end-user requirements & applications. Mission To take pride in delivering high quality products that comply or exceed safety & quality standards. To always exceed customer’s expectations by offering best of the products to their required specifications. Head Protection Industrial Safety Helmet, Fireman Helmet, Fire Fighter Helmet, Helmet with Lamp Ear Protection Ear Plug, Ear Muff, Ear Seal, Ear Plug Dispenser, Helmet Attachable Earmuff Face Protection Face Shield, Welding Shield Hand Protection Cotton, PVC Dotted, Rubber, Nitrile, Neoprene, Latex, Asbestos, Leather, Welding , Kevlar, Aluminized, Butyl, Rigger, Canadian, Metal Mesh Gloves, Freezer Gloves, Cut Resistance Gloves, Electric Shock Proof Gloves, Disposable Gloves Eye Protection Safety Glasses / Goggles, Chemical , Welding, Flip-Up Type, Eyewash Stations Protective Clothings Coveralls / Boiler Suits, Fire Retardant Coverall, Aprons, Chemical Suits, Sand Blasting Suits, Aluminized Fire Proximity Suit, Non-woven Disposable Suits Safety Shoes Safety Shoes, Gumboots, Rigger Leather Shoes, Heat Resistance Shoes, Aluminized Shoes, Asbestos Safety Shoes, Electric Safety Shoes Face / Respiratory Protection Half / Full Face Mask, Sand Blasting Hood, Smoke Hood, Emergency Escape Kit, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, Artificial Resuscitator Fall Protection Safety Belts / Harness, Safety / Gangway Nets, Tripod Stand, Confined Space Entry Kit, Window Cleaning Kit, Retractable Wire Rope Arrestor, Winch, Rescue Stretcher, Safety Rope Ladders, Aluinium Ladders Protection Against Industrial Hazards Explosion Proof Torches, Wind Sock, Chlorine Kit, Folding Stretcher, Wheel Chair, Electric Rubber Mat, Spark Arrestor, First Aid Kit, Oil/Acid Spill Kit, Chemical/ Oil Absorbents, Multigas Detector, Whip Check, DB Meter, Gas Detector, Emergency Showers Industrial Signages IMO Signs, Directional, Prohibitory/ Mandatory Signs, Reflective / Autoglow Tapes Road Safety Speed Breaker, Spring Post, Traffic Cone, Road Studs, Parking Stud, Plastic Chain, Barricading Tape, Q-Manager, Convex Mirror, Traffic Baton, Reflective Jacket, Wheel Stopper, Corner Guard, Traffic Barrier, Wheel Clamp, Rubber Rumbler, Cable Protector Fire Fighting Fire Extinguisher, Fire Blankets, Smoke Detectors, Sprinklers, Hydrants, Fire Hose, Branch Pipe, Siren, Buckets, Fire Axe Security Products Alcohol Detector, Telescopic Search Mirror, Under Vehicle Search Mirror, Handheld Metal Detector, Portable / Fix Door Frame Metal Detector Marine Safety Reflective Work Vest, Inflatable Life Jacket, Lifebuoy, Diving & Immersion Suit Safety Locks Scaffolding Tag, Valve Lockout, Lockout Tag, Padlock, Hasp, Lockout Station We would like to convert this opportunity into a long-term association with your good organization & looking forward for your valuable inquiries and orders on a regular basis Kindly let us have your valuable requirements and the opportunity to serve you. To give you an insight of our organization we are pleased to enclose along with our product catalogue and profile for your kind perusal. Should you need more details about us or our products or services please feel free to contact us. Thanking and assuring you of our best services always, we remain Very Truly Yours For Mufaddal Safety Enterprises MUSTAFA S N (PARTNER)