It all started in 1994 when we started off-roading, we enjoyed a lot but noticed that all the OEM vehicles sustained damage to suspension, bumpers, and OEM skid plates and on certain inclines a loss in engine power was also realized. Back in the day off-roading culture though popular, was not well backed by performance parts available to the average outdoor enthusiast. There were capable vehicles with enough displacement, but not enough aftermarket support to gain an edge when you needed the reliability to wade through a deep puddle, blast through the rocks, or crest a dune at high speed without the risk of rolling over. Most of the affordable cars that were capable off-road had parts in short supply, so the vehicle sales were dictated by the after sales supply of genuine quality parts. The big brands came out on top having a strong supply chain network, causing a lot of smaller car manufacturing companies to be left in the dust. These called for multiple hours building things which are most likely to break; then taking them apart and rebuild from the ground up. As we grew in experience and discovered newer things which functioned better, the idea transpired towards developing & fabricating products which failed proof. This sparked the first idea of having a facility to support the vehicle brands which have little or no support from aftermarket parts manufacturers, while catering also to the popular brands. This facility brings adventure enthusiasts a new haven of possibilities, where they can cater to their vehicles aftermarket part needs with performance parts manufactured solely for the purpose of durability and ergonomic match. Radical implements many fabrication techniques and ideas at our Fabrication facility in Dubai. It is common occurrence while off-roading to repair vehicles which sometimes entails major work such as replacing clutches, replacing control arms and steering box, propeller shafts, and radiators. We also specialize in various logistics carriers specifically engineered to individual vehicle makes and models. We are a one stop shop for Auto repair, detailing, modification & protection of vehicles by upgrading suspension(s), modular integrity protection and power output enhancements, considering off road limitations of specific vehicle types/groups. The entire Team at Radical shares a common passion towards Motorsports, which accredited our team members as ATC approved Marshals at National & International events for both on road and off-road sports championships. We take pride in our team which comprises of two rally drivers, four marshals and three founders of successful off-road communities in the U.A.E. All of the above veterans are supported in transforming their off-road experience into engineering marvels by a team of Automobile Engineers. We introduce to you www.radicalmods.com , the place to go for all types of Vehicle Maintenance, detailing, Design/Engineering & Modification Projects. What we offer our customers is a uniquely-engineered product and a smile on their face. We welcome your vehicle for Mechanical, Modification, Diagnosis, and repair works
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