WINGLASS is a well-established company which has been providing reliable and latest services in aluminum windows, doors and glass industry for over 40 years. Over the past 8 years, WINGLASS has specialized in uPVC Windows and Door Systems. With its wide range of products and services, it has become one of the leading companies in uPVC windows, doors and glass industry across Pakistan. We are equipped with latest trends and technology along with various beautiful, elegant and customized designs which helps you to choose the right product for you, be it any corporate workplace or your personal space, we deal in all sorts of glass, windows and doors works. We have proven our-self for providing excellent services with a wide range of our products ranging from uPVC and Aluminium Windows and Door Systems, Façade System, Glass Gazing, Frameless Shower Enclosures and Skylights.
uPVC Sliding Windows provides best utility in your windows as they have best quality rollers and have better sealing as compared to wooden windows or aluminum windows.
uPVC Sliding Doors are the best among any other sliding door material available. With its unique smooth sliding feature, it provides a very comfortable touch you your place.
uPVC Casement windows comes with different designs depending upon you utility and requirement. These windows are best for any place as it seals tightly, and ensures it is able to stop dust and water c
uPVC Fixed Casement Windows are the most popular these days. It supports aesthetics and utility both and provides a beautiful look to your place. These windows have the best locking features and also
uPVC Fixed Windows provides best sound insulation to any place, by using a double glazed insulated glass along with it.
uPVC Tilt & Turn Windows are one of the most popular designs of modern windows used around the globe. Its unique feature, that is, tuning and tilting together gives a very innovative look to it.
uPVC Awning & Over-Hung windows are widely used in toilets and washrooms where little ventilation is needed.
uPVC Double Sash Casement Doors are widely used where big openings are required. Its good quality accessories gives it a very long lasting life along with aesthetical beauty.
uPVC Casement Doors are mostly used in washrooms, and storage areas and mostly in areas where there is rain or water exposure, as uPVC doors do not get destroyed by water or sun exposure. Commercial d
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