Featured businesses at a glance

Featured businesses
at a glance

List of most interesting businesses in our directory.

Featured products at a glance

Featured products
at a glance

List of most interesting products in our directory.

Our guiding principles

Our mission is to help mumineen grow their business multi fold


DBohra provides you the platform to share your business journey with the mumineen worldwide and share your knowledge & skills in form of DBohra educational series.


Looking for a vendor or want to expand into a new geography? Why look anywhere else when you can connect with certified businesses on DBohra.com


"Keep learning, Keep Growing". Be on top on latest trends, technologies, marketing techniques & operating skills by attending TAP workshops & webinars which help you grow your business multifold.

Advisors & counsellors

Do you feel stuck and stagnant in your business? Don’t know what to do next?
Talk to Business Experts Who Can Help You Plan for Growth & Profitability by following the counsels of Aqa Maula TUS.

Book appointment

Want to become an advisor or counsellor? Click here to register

Insights and general information

You want to grow your business. You want new and innovative ideas. You want to become a leader in your industry.
Following DBohra blog is a great way to pick up tips and information to take your company to the next level.

Want to get your blog featured? Click here to submit

Events & trainings

Al-Tijaarat al-Raabehah organizes business seminars throughout the world to educate mumineen on how to grow their business. Register your interest.

Don’t find a topic? Click here to register your interest

Business forums

Forums are a very interesting and useful platform to be on. These can help you in ways you can't even imagine.
If you are not a part of any forum yet, join
Al-Tijaarat Al-Raabehah's forum today!

Amazing offers from businesses